- Sherman Law LLP


Part 2: How to respond to 3 Types of Conflict in Family Law: Relationship Conflict

How to respond to 3 Types of Conflict in Family Law: Relationship Conflict



I am going to focus on three types of conflict in family law, which can include: Parenting Conflict, Relationship Conflict, and Value Conflict.  In yesterday' s blog, we talked about Parenting Conflict.


Today, we will focus on Relationship Conflict:

Relationship conflict arises from differences in personality, style, preferences, interests, and perhaps even conflict styles. Often people in personal and intimate relationships will develop long-simmering tensions, whether over parenting, personality differences, family relationships, or a variety of other issues.

Couples who are experiencing conflict can often benefit through intervention through a Family Professional or Family Mediator. These professionals can focus on identifying the deeper interests underlying the couple's conflict. Often, this is done through active listening, which involves asking questions, clarifying what you hear to confirm understanding, and deepening to ask deeper questions aimed at probing for a deeper understanding.

When faced with this conflict, try to engage the couple in collaborative problem-solving in which they are able to brainstorm possible solutions. If you feel comfortable, try to bring up the sources of tension and focus on listening to other person's point of view. Try to resist the urge to argue or defend positions. When a spouse works to demonstrate empathy or interest, the other is likely to reciprocate. When couples develop solutions together, rather than having an outcome imposed on them, they are more likely to get along better in the future.


If you are dealing with a family law, separation, or parenting matter, we invite you to contact an experienced lawyer at our firm for more information about how we may be of assistance.


Aubrey Sherman is the managing partner at Sherman Law LLP in Kitchener, Ontario. His practice focuses on family law, estate planning, and estate administration. The team at Sherman Law LLP in Waterloo Region has over 40 years of experience providing clients with creative and innovative solutions. If you wish to discuss your family law or estate planning matter in further detail, please contact our office to arrange for a consultation. We can be reached by phone at 519-884-0034 or by email.


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Aubrey Sherman
Name: Aubrey Sherman
Posts: 31
Last Post: March 18, 2025